Riede had never worn shoes so absolutely ridiculous in her life, and she absolutely loved it. As a long time fan of anything dark and gothic, she thought the spiky, black boots were just about as perfect as could be, and she was going to make sure her best friend, Jay, knew it.
    “These are fucking beast, man!” she said gleefully, rolling over on the bed and kicking her feet back and forth in the air, “There is no way these things were cheap. You’ve gotta let me pay you back!”
    Shaking his head and laughing, her friend collapsed on the bed next to her. “Don’t worry about it, R. You’re my best friend, I can afford to buy you presents once in a while. It’s really no big deal,” he said with a grin.
    Riede rolled her eyes. She hated it when Jay pitied her. He always insisted that it was just because they were friends, but that obviously wasn’t the case. What sort of friends bought each other random, expensive presents for no apparent reason?
    No, clearly he was feeling bad about the lack of stuff she ever got from her dad. Again. He acted like he thought her situation was his fault and that he had to make it up to her. But it wasn’t his fault, and she didn’t know how many times she was going to have to tell him, until he would get it into his head.
    Choosing to ignore these problems for now, she rolled over again, and rested her head on his lap. “So tell me again about these people you’re introducing me to today,” she said, penetrating the silence that had filled the room.
    Absentmindedly, Jay started stroking her hair. “One of them is my brother, Tai. He looks like an older, less attractive version of me.” Riede raised an eyebrow at him, but said nothing. Grinning down at her, he continued. “Tai is a pretty cool guy, except when he’s pretending to be a womanizer, but the key word there is pretending. Girls seem to fall head over heels in love with him as soon as they meet him. But as far as I can tell, he’s not actually interested in any of them, no matter how much of a flirt he may seem.”
    Riede sat up and stretched, then rested her head on Jay’s shoulder. “That’s not gonna be me, sweet cheeks,” she said with a laugh, glancing up at him, “I am not interested in romance one little bit, and your flirty brother isn’t gonna change that.”
    Jay laughed and tackled her, planting a big, sloppy kiss on her cheek. “That’s right! You’re too in love with me for my silly brother, aren’t you? Might as well just marry me today!”
    “Didn’t I already reject that proposal?” she asked, jokingly making a disgusted noise and pushing him away, “What makes you think my answer has changed, buddy?”
    “Perhaps, the fact that we were nine at the time has something to do with it,” he said, scooting closer to her and puckering his lips playfully. Again, she shoved him away.    
    “That is so gross,” she giggled, “You’re basically my brother!” Bursting into laughter, she turned and grinned at him. “How disgusting would it be if something like that actually did happen between us?” she added, collapsing backwards on the bed and gasping for breath through her laughter.
    Pain flashed through Jay’s eyes, vanishing just as quickly as it had appeared. He knew that she would never love him, would never feel the same way for him as he did for her. She would never even realize how strongly he felt about her, how much she meant to him. Jay knew all of this, and it was a fact that he had come to terms with long ago.
    But god, did it hurt, when she spoke so carelessly; blissfully ignorant of how much pain her words could cause.
    He stood up and crossed to his dresser, scared that if she looked at him now, she would see how he really felt. If she knew, would she be scared away from him forever? He clenched his fist. “Yeah,” he muttered` stiffly, “That would be super weird.”
     Glancing up at the clock, Jay was almost relieved to see that it was approaching 5:30, though it meant they were sure to be late. “Riede, we’re supposed to be there in literally two minutes,” he said, putting on his best surprised voice. Riede glanced over his shoulder at the clock and burst out laughing again.
     “Sixteen years and you’re still a total failure at keeping track of time,” she replied between giggles, jumping off the bed. Grabbing Jay’s arm, she pulled him towards the door. “C’mon then. Where are we going?”

     “Hey bro, took ya long enough,” said one of the two men on the couch as Riede and Jay entered the karaoke booth, “Don’t tell me 5:30 if you really mean 5:45, yeah?” Though there was annoyance in his voice, there was also a smile on his face, and it was clear that however inconvenient those extra 15 minutes may have been, they were nothing compared to the love he felt for his little brother.
     Jay stuck out his tongue and grabbed Riede’s hand, pulling her towards the large, wrap-around couch.  “Sorry Tai, you know how I am with time.”
     “Yes,” Tai replied in a dry voice, “Unfortunately I do.”
     Jay’s brother looked a lot like him, though Riede would have to disagree about which was the more attractive of the two. Tai exuded confidence, and though Riede always tried to be cold and aloof in front of strangers, something about his presence made her want to smile.
    Riede quickly shook herself and looked over at the other man on the couch. If she remembered correctly, Jay had said this was Tai’s best friend, Nick. He seemed totally relaxed, calm despite the energy that seemed to be flowing through the room. He wasn’t stereotypically attractive by any means, yet Riede was certain he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen.
    Laughing inwardly she thought that looking at Nick, with his mane of platinum blond hair, was like looking at a Disney princess, and Tai was like a Disney prince.
    Crap. Why did her mind keep going back to him? There was no way Riede was going to let herself be another of the girls Jay had told her about, desperately in love with a man who couldn’t care less.
    The silence in the room was broken when Tai spoke. “You must be Riede. Jay tells me about you all the time, so I feel like I already know you. I expect you’ll exceed my expectations.” He smiled at her then.
    Cautiously, she smiled back.
    “I told you that you’d fall in love,” Jay whispered to her a few minutes later when they had all settled into their seats. Riede blushed scarlet and started to tell him that there was no way she was ever going to fall in love with his brother, but he just laughed and stood up. It was a karaoke place, and Jay was going to sing.
He fiddled with machine a moment, choosing a song. “Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, give it up for the incredible Jay and his rendition of Basket Case by Green Day!” he said, grinning around the room as the sound of guitar echoed from the speakers behind him.
"Do you have the time to listen to me rhyme
About nothing and everything all at once?
I am one of those
Melodramatic fools
Neurotic to the bones, no doubt about it!"

    "Dude, are you tone-deaf?" Tai chuckled, watching Jay slide to his knees as though performing some grand finale at a concert. He grinned at his brother, who grinned right back at him.
     "Why do you think I decided to play the drums, man? I can't sing, no how, no way!"
     Not that it stops you," Riede murmured, the corners of her lips curving up slightly. Jay shot her a playful glare before sitting down next to her on the couch, crushing her against the side.
     “Let’s see you do better,” he said, elbowing her gently in the side. Riede squeaked and tried to shift away from him, but there wasn’t enough room on the chair. He was clearly expecting her to get up and sing, but it wasn’t gonna be that easy. She shook her head, relieved to see that Nick was getting up to sing instead.
     He stood up and walked over to the machine, typing in his song selection. As the music started behind him, Nick smiled and took a deep breath.
"Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high...
Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think I still was a mad man..."

    His voice itself was nothing to die for, yet Riede was captivated. Carry On My Wayward Son was one of her favorite songs, but the way Nick sung it was like nothing she had ever heard. With him, it was a lullaby, soft and soothing. A smile appeared on Riede’s lips, but she quickly chased it away with a scowl. No, they were strangers, and if she wasn’t careful, they would hurt her.

    As Nick’s song ended, Tai stood up. Almost as if it had been rehearsed, he walked over to Riede and held out a hand. “Let’s do a duet, shall we? See if we can put a smile on that pretty face?”
    Riede shook her head. “Go ahead and sing. I’ll... I’ll go next.”
    With a laugh, Tai shrugged and walked over to the karaoke machine. “I’ll be singing You’re Beautiful,” he said, winking at Riede, “But, ah, with my own little twist.”

"My life is brilliant,
My love is pure,
I saw an angel
Of that sure.”

     Tai grinned and took a few steps forward, though the karaoke machine kept him from going too far forward. He lifted an arm to point at Riede and, staring straight at her with the most startlingly serious expression on his face, he continued.

“She smiled at me in the karaoke booth,
She was with my little bro..."
     Riede tried to hide the grin on her face and the blush that came to her cheeks, but it was no use. Soon she started laughing, causing all three of the boys in the room to stare at her, before her laughter spread like a virus and they all joined in.
     Finishing his song with another wink at Riede, Tai walked over to her and lifted her out of her chair. "Your turn, beautiful," he chuckled as he slung her over his shoulder and placed a hand quite purposefully on her ass. Riede glowered darkly at him. "Don't call me beautiful unless you're prepared to face the implications," she hissed playfully before squirming out of his grip and typing in the name of the song she planned to sing.
    Though she acted calm, Riede was terrified. The only person who had ever heard her sing was Jay, and though he told her she sounded fantastic, it was sometimes a little hard to believe. He was her best friend--of course he would tell her what he thought she wanted to hear.
    “This is, uh, My Heart is Broken by Evanescence...” she murmured as the song’s intro came to a close, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. As she started to sing, everyone else went silent.
"I will wander ‘til the end of time
Torn away from you...”

     She opened her eyes as she sang the first two lines of the song, looking around at everyone in the room. Jay was grinning; Nick seemed curious, leaning back in his seat, and Tai... Tai was staring at her like she was the most incredible thing in the world. Riede smiled sadly as the song continued and she lost herself in the music.

“I pulled away to face the pain.
I close my eyes and drift away.
Over the fear that I will never find
A way to heal my soul.
And I will wander 'til the end of time
Torn away from you..."

    “Wow...” Tai breathed, as she finished the song, “That was fucking brilliant... Jay told me you could sing, but that... That was haunting and chilling and absolutely beautiful.” Grinning, he rose to his feet and walked over to her, grabbing her arm. “I could fall in love with a voice like that!”
    Riede quickly looked away, feeling tears welling in her eyes. Dammit, but that song had been a bad choice.
    “Shit, did I say something wrong...?” Tai said, bringing a hand to her cheek and trying to make her look at him. She glanced up at him and quickly looked away. This was not supposed to happen. No, no, no. Tai hesitated, then spoke again.
     “There I go, making it about me, but this… this isn’t about me at all, is it...? This is about your dad,” he murmured, placing a finger under her chin and racing her head to look at him. Riede was startled. How did he know about her dad? Jay was so gonna get it. Her thoughts were quickly interrupted from a soft growl coming from Tai’s throat.
     “Dammit,” he hissed, his arms tightening around Riede as she tried to push him away, “I wanted to get to know you before making this offer, see if there were any other options...” What was he going on about? What offer? And why the hell was he hugging her?
     “Riede, my little brother is really fucking worried about you. He said your dad was killing you and you were trapped. I wanted to see how bad it was before I said anything, but I’ll be damned if I can watch a pretty girl cry and not try to help.”
    He released her then, scratching the side of his head. “Look, I know you just met me and you probably think I’m some creepy older dude who flirts too much, but I know what you’re dealing with. I’ve been there too. And I refuse to let you stay there a minute longer.”
    He cleared his throat and stared at her for a moment, as if he were unsure how to say what he was trying to. Riede was getting more confused by the second, but there was no way she was going to say so. Instead, she rose an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
    “Riede, I’m not creepy as I might seem, I promise. And I’m not gonna try anything funny. Hell, we had the this whole plan laid out where I was supposed to make this offer after the concert, but how am I supposed to look at you all miserable like that and not say anything... So, uh... Do you wanna crash at my place for a little while?”
     “Well I guess that rules out Chris as a potential prom date,” Emily said with a sigh as she spread her signature red lipstick across her lips, “And he seemed so sweet too...” Smearing her lips together thoughtfully, she glanced over to the next mirror, where her best friend, Arianna Cho, was applying new mascara. Ari had been strangely quiet for the last few days, but guy talk would usually make her snap right back to her senses. So why wasn’t it working? With another, more exaggerated sigh, Emily continued.
     “You’re always telling me to slow down or I’ll manage to date every guy in the school before the semester is up. Maybe you’re right,” she said. It was time for tactic number two: Arianna loved to be right.
     “I’m always right,” Ari muttered, continuing with her make-up. Groaning, Emily turned around and leaned on the edge of the bathroom sink. “Ok Ari. Spill. You’ve been like a zombie for days. What’s up?”
     Ari glanced over at her friend and rolled her eyes. Choosing to ignore Emily’s question, she instead returned to Em’s earlier comments. “Y’know what your problem is, baby-cakes?” she asked, brushing some of her silky, black hair over her shoulder, “You refuse to date anyone you actually care about. You go out with all these guys just ‘cause they ask you, but you don’t actually care about any of them. It’s practically a game for you now, isn’t it?”
     Emily raised her eyebrows at the clear dismissal of her question, but chose to play along with the charade. Ari would explain when she was ready. She always did.
     “I’m just gullible,” Emily said with a little smile, “Guys tell me they like me and I believe them. And I don’t wanna hurt their feelings by turning them down! Besides, Chris was super sweet. He got me roses and wrote me a poem! I figured I could easily grow to like him with a little time!”
     “Oh, honey,” Arianna moaned, “You can’t go into a relationship figuring you’ll ‘grow to like’ the person. Even if the guy does actually like you, no one wants to stick around on the off chance that you might like them someday. And I bet Chris just wanted to get in your pants like all the others, right?”
     Emily blushed at that. It was true. They had only been dating for a week before Chris had asked when they were going to have sex, and when she had told him he was moving way too fast, he had gotten pissed. “Aw, come on you little slut,” he had shouted, “You open your legs for all the guys; why the fuck am I any different?”
     Ari, knowing exactly what that blush meant, burst into laughter. “Emily, if you’re still a virgin at graduation after dating all these guys, I will seriously laugh my ass off. There has never been a virgin more famous for sleeping around.”
     “It’s not funny!” Emily squealed, playfully throwing a mascara bottle at Ari, “Besides, being a virgin isn’t a bad thing!”
     Ari smirked and glanced up at the clock. “Right, well you go play your little virgin games. I’m sneaking out. Both of Mikey’s parents are out of the house today and this is not an opportunity I want to miss, thank you very much,” she said with a wink as she inspected the mascara tube Emily had thrown at her, “And thanks! I’ll just be keeping this!” She flashed a peace sign at Emily and started towards the door, then stopped and turned back.
     “One last word of advice though? Go for a guy you actually like this time-- Like that Jessie guy I always see you with! He’s pretty cute! And I bet things would work a thousand times better with him,” she said with another wink before backing out of the room. The door slammed shut before Emily could finish her sentence, “What? But we’re just fri--”

     As always, Emily was going to be late for class. Make-up time in the restroom with Arianna had been a tradition since freshman year, but it always ended just as the bell for class was ringing, and Emily still had to go to her locker. Sighing, she opened her locker and set the books from her morning classes down on one of the shelves. Ms. Ibbotson was just going to have to deal with it.
     Of course, being late was no big deal to the rebellious sorts in the school, so when the ripped jeans and clunky boots appeared beneath her locker door, she wasn’t surprised at all. Despite their numerous differences, Jessie Romero was her best friend, second only to Arianna.
     Immediately, Emily slammed her locker shut and jumped at him, wrapping her arms around his neck, her feet dangling a few inches off of the floor. “Where’ve you been?” she squealed, voice muffled by his neck. She felt his chest rumble with laughter as his arms wrapped around her, hugging her back for a moment before letting her go.
     “Somehow I don’t think you really wanna know,” he replied finally, a goofy smile lighting up his face. He was probably right, of course.
     For all that she loved spending time with Jessie, she knew that he got into trouble in a lot of ways she’d rather not know about, and he knew that hearing about his latest escapades would only trouble her. Instead, he asked her what was going on in her life. He had been gone for almost two weeks now. Of course they had some serious catching up to do.
     “I’m worried about Ari,” Emily told him, opening her locker once more, “She’s been acting funny lately, and she’ll barely talk to me except to steer me away from topics she really doesn’t want me to bring up.”
     Jessie leaned on some other lockers and listened, not saying anything. They both knew that Emily got the same way sometimes. In fact, Ari may very well have picked it up from her.
     As Emily finished up in her locker, Jessie automatically grabbed her backpack from her shoulder. She grabbed at it, but he spun away, not letting her take it. “C’mon,” he said, sticking out his tongue, “Lemme be a gentleman, will ya?” He always did this, and though Emily always argued, in the end, she would let him.
     Starting off down the hall towards her next class, Emily glared at Jessie playfully. “People are gonna start rumors about us dating again if you keep doing that, Jessie,” she huffed. Rumors were always flying about the two of them. They’d been friends for ages, but for some reason the rest of the school thought they were more.
     “So let the rumors fly. They’re idiots,” Jessie said, stopping in his tracks. Emily glanced over her shoulder and saw him staring at her.
     “What’s wrong, Jess?” she asked in confusion, but the way the corners of her lips were slowly turning up, she could see that it wasn’t a problem at all. No, he had just gotten some undoubtedly stupid idea in his head, and of course he was about to share it with her.
     “In fact...” he said breathlessly, slinking towards her like a cat, “Why don’t we give them something to gossip about?” He grabbed one of her hands and twirled her, before pulling her against his chest and backing her up against the wall. Her eyes widened as she felt a hand graze her chest, then caught his for a moment. Her words caught in her throat, and for just a second it felt like they were suspended in time.
     Finally, Emily moved, slapping him playfully and pushing him away. “C’mon Jess, don’t be a dumbo. If anyone saw us like that there would be no escaping the rumors, which is stupid, ‘cause we’re just friends.”
     “Yeah...” he replied, “Just friends...”
     They were silent the rest of the way to class, both of them refusing to look at each other.
Warning: This post contains some mild nudity!
Dear Riede,
     We were both fools all those years ago. I have often wondered how you go back and fix your mistakes, how you fix everything. How do you make it all better? I would not have understood the need to fix my mistakes before I met you. You made me see how much was wrong with my life, and I am eternally grateful to you for that.
     I was blind in my high-school days, when everything seemed perfect and fun. I thought the whole world was on my side then, that nothing could go wrong. I was blind and you made me see. Why is it, then, that I reverted to my idiotic ways when you needed my understanding most? Why did I let that mess get between us? I have never been, nor ever will be a bigger fool than I was in that moment.
     No, not even in high school.
                                                                 ❤ Emily
As you know those aren’t experiences we share, though I was always fascinated to hear your stories. I can’t say I would want to change a thing though. If not for my mistakes, would I have ever met you? I used to regret dropping out of highschool because I knew my life would have been very different if I hadn’t. But it was you who taught me that if things had been different, the good would be gone as well as the bad, and I don’t want that for a second. My teenage years, miserable as they were, could never surpass the joy I had when I was with you. So no, I don’t know how to undo my mistakes, and I don’t want to.

Note: If you would like to, you can read the whole hand written letter below. However, the letter is also the entire text of this post. Please keep that in mind as you read.
Dear Riede, 
     My life was in shambles before I met you, and I didn't even realize it...

You always said you needed me to save your life, but I think I might have needed you even more. But that's not an argument I want to get in to...
     I used to laugh when you mentioned destiny, but I would be shocked if our friendship wasn't meant to be. You sorta saved my life too. Something like that can't have just been a coincidence...
I never got to thank you properly for everything you did for me, and I really regret that.
     So thank you...
     Thank you. Thank you. Thank you...
     There is so much that I want to say to you-- So much that I may never get the chance to tell you. But I hope those two words will say it all.
     Thank you, Riede.
     Thank you for bringing me to life.
❤ Emily


    This story contains some intense material and is intended for mature audiences only. Reader discretion is advised.


    July 2013


    Part 1